The list of Top Ten Naval Forces in the World puts into account serviced and active warships. The top three naval forces in the world: United States with 12% of all active naval ships; Russia comes in second with 10% and China third with 8%. More emphasis in these rankings is put on the country’s warships than navy personnel. Training vessels, supply vessels, research vessels and other non-weaponry ships are not included. Naval personnel only include active men and women, and not naval reserves. Anti-Mines places into account minehunters and minesweepers for the countries involved. Missile Submarines are equipped with (BM) ballistic missiles and Attack/Assault Submarines with (CR) cruise missiles. The list is made up of the following Warships:
Aircraft carriers
Amphibious attack ships
Landing vessels
Patrol vessels
Missile submarines
Assault submarines
Top Ten Naval Forces in the World
1. US Navy
US Navy
The US Navy tops the list of naval forces in the world with the following naval amour:
11 Aircraft carriers
10 Amphibious attack ships
30 Frigates
21 landing vessels
60 Destroyers
22 Cruisers
2 Corvettes
14 Anti-mines
100 Patrol vessels
18 Missile submarines
53 Assault submarines
The US Navy has a total of 341 Warships and 323,700 active Navy Personnel.
2. Russian Navy
Russian Navy
The Russian Navy lies second with the following Warships:
1 Aircraft carrier
1 Amphibious attack ship
11 landing vessels
4 Cruisers
16 Destroyers
81 Corvettes
10 Frigates
42 Anti-mines
68 Patrol vessels
16 Missile submarines
32 Assault submarines
In total the Russian Navy has 282 Warships and 140,000 active Navy Personnel.
3. People’s Liberation Navy (China)
People’s Liberation Navy (China)
At third among the leading naval forces in the world is the Chinese Navy, and has the following:
2 Amphibious attack ships
25 landing vessels
26 Destroyers
50 Patrol vessels
51 Frigates
6 Missile submarines
27 Anti-mines
52 Assault submarines
The Chinese Navy doesn’t have any aircraft carriers; cruisers and corvettes. In total the People’s Liberation Navy has 239 Warships and 250,000 active Navy Personnel.
4. Japan Maritime Force
Japan Maritime Force
Although Japan hasn’t been active in naval conflicts since World War 2, it has a Maritime Force intended for self defense. The naval force is made up of the following:
2 Amphibious attack ships
3 Landing vessels
10 Destroyers
7 Patrol vessels
40 Frigates
29 Anti-mines
18 Assault submarines
The Japan Maritime Force doesn’t have any cruisers; corvettes and missile submarines. In total the Japanese Maritime Force has 109 Warships and 48,500 active Navy Servicemen.
5. Royal Navy (United Kingdom)
Royal Navy (United Kingdom)
The British come in at number 5 among top naval forces in the world with the following at their disposal:
1 Aircraft carrier
2 Amphibious attack ships
6 Landing vessels
8 Destroyers
15 Anti-mines
25 Patrol vessels
13 Frigates
8 Assault submarines
4 missile submarines
The Royal Navy doesn’t have any corvettes. In total the Royal Navy has 100 Warships and 36,600 active Navy Personnel.
6. France Navy
France Navy
The French Naval Forces come in at 6, and they possess the following arsenal:
1 Aircraft carrier
3 Amphibious attack ships
2 Landing vessels
4 Destroyers
15 Patrol vessels
19 Frigates
18 Anti-mines
6 Assault submarines
4 Missile submarines
The French Navy doesn’t have any cruisers and corvettes. In total the French Navy has 72 Warships and 44,000 active Navy Personnel.
7. Indian Navy
Indian Navy
The Indian Navy comes in at 7 among top naval forces in the world with the following arsenal:
1 Aircraft carrier
1 Amphibious attack ship
19 Landing vessels
8 Destroyers
24 Corvettes
12 Frigates
32 Patrol vessels
8 Anti-mines
14 Assault submarines
1 Missile submarine
Cruisers are the only Warships the Indian Navy doesn’t possess. The Indian Navy has a total of 155 Warships and 58,350 active Navy Servicemen.
8. Korea Navy (South Korea)
Korea Navy (South Korea)
The South Korean Navy has the following:
1 Amphibious attack ship
10 Destroyers
25 Corvettes
9 Frigates
2 Patrol vessels
10 Anti-mines
13 Assault submarines
The South Korean Navy however does not have any Aircraft carriers; landing vessels and cruisers. In total the South Korean Navy has 70 Warships and 60,000 active Navy Personnel.
9. Marina Militare/ Italian Navy (ITALY)
Marina Militare Italian Navy (ITALY)
The Italian Naval Force has:
2 Aircraft carriers
4 Destroyers
3 Landing vessels
14 Patrol vessels
12 Frigates
17 Anti-mines
6 Assault submarines.
The Italian Navy doesn’t have any amphibious attack ships; cruisers and missile submarines. In total the navy has 66 Warships and 35,200 active Navy Personnel.
10. Peoples Republic of China (Taiwan Navy)
Peoples Republic of China (Taiwan Navy)
The Taiwanese Navy has:
4 Destroyers
12 Patrol vessels
22 Frigates
8 Anti-mines
2 Attack Submarines.
The Taiwanese Navy however doesn’t have any aircraft carriers; landing ships; cruisers; corvettes; missile submarines and amphibious attack ships. In total the Taiwanese Navy has 48 Warships and 38,000 active servicemen.
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