Ligo India: Big science project with big benefits
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The Ligo which India is building will be similar to this one in the US. |
The event happened last September as a gentle nudge to the measuring instruments, but resulted in a severe jolt to the quiet world of gravitational physics. Two black holes 1.3 billion light years away ate each other, emitting in a fraction of a second the energy equivalent to three solar masses. This energy travelled across space as agravitational wave for 1.3 billion years and brought two points on a detector closer by a distance of a billionth of a billionth of a metre, about a fraction of the size of a proton. Physics had made one of its great discoveries.
A few minutes after the discovery was announced, the lives of Indian gravitational physicists were jolted further by a tweet from Prime Minister Narendra Modi, hinting at building a gravitational wave observatory in the country. Ten days later, with the Union Cabinet also clearing the Rs 1,200-crore project, gravitational physicists in the country are in an intense state of excitement. Within a few months, some Indian private companies would also get ready to share this excitement.
When the Ligo consortium was formed five years ago, India had about 11 gravitational physicists. Now, the community has expanded to about 60 scientists. An observatory in the country will expand it even further, providing exposure to areas that are not available otherwise in the country.
"I expect the gravitational wave physics community to expand to about 200," says Bala Iyer, visiting professor at the Bangalore-based International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTS). Iyer had a role in the discovery, through calculations of the expected signals from twin black holes.
More exposure
Over the next decade, gravitational physics is expected to create a lot of new science. A single jolt to the Ligo equipment was enough for physicists to figure out an enormous amount of information about its source. They now know the mass of the two black holes that merged, the mass of the final black hole, its distance from the earth, and how quickly it is spinning.
The new Ligo observatory, in combination with its partners, will let scientists probe deep questions about black holes and neutron stars. "The new detector will improve chances of doing science in India," says P Ajith, reader at ICTS. "It will provide exposure to areas that are not available now." Ajith was involved in the analysis of the data after the September event.
The detection of the ripples in space by the Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (Ligo) was the most precise measurement ever made by an instrument on the earth. Recent upgrades to the Ligo, called Advanced Ligo, have created some of the most sophisticated set of instruments ever made and put together on the earth. Building these two observatories in the US required developing technology not available on the earth till then, and resulted in several technology breakthroughs and a startup.
When India builds the observatory, some of this technology will be available on a platter for the country. When Indian institutions and companies put them together and develop what is not available, they will take precision engineering to a new level in the country. "The first several years are about engineering," says CS Unnikrishnan, professor at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research.
"The observatory stretches everything physics instrumentation can think of." As the observatory is built, Ligo India has to expand its computing infrastructure as well.
The US National Science Foundation had been funding gravitational wave research for a long time (over $1 billion, so far), especially for the upgrades to Ligo. It had given money to build three observatories, but the Ligo consortium decided to look for a site far away to build the third one, as building two labs side by side would not have provided enough benefits. If three observatories are situated far apart, scientists could filter the noise and interpret the signals better. Australia and India were considered the best locations for the third observatory. Ligo Australia did not receive funding. The Ligo India proposal received a sympathetic hearing from Indian decision-makers three years ago, creating hope among Indian physicists.
The proposal then got caught between changing governments. Funding for science had declined in the last two years, making Ligo physicists nervous, but Ligo India was too good a project to let go easily. "We are getting the detectors free," says Ajit Kembhavi, former director of the Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA). "It would have taken us years of development in India."
All the components would be provided by Caltech and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the two main partners of Advanced Ligo. The spares would have to be made in India, which also have to build the infrastructure and do the engineering. Some assemblies would involve manufacturing as well.
The observatory, whose location is yet to be decided, will have to be sealed from all noise and vibrations from around it. Shielding even a meter of equipment is hard, but the detector will have two arms perpendicular to each other, each four kilometers long. Building the laser for the detector is also difficult. The detector works by splitting a laser beam into two, sending them off in perpendicular directions and then combining them to get a precise pattern of waves. The laser required for this purpose was developed by Max Plank Institute in Germany, along with a consortium of companies around it. It is the most technologically advanced laser on earth.
Similarly, the mirrors used for the equipment are also among the most sophisticated, for which technology does not exist in India. They also use devices — called cavities — that bounce off the laser back and forth to multiply 400 times the length the laser beam travels. India has no experience with either of them.
The detector will also have the largest vacuum in the world. Building such a vacuum — two arms four kilometers long and 1.5 metre wide — is hard. The vacuum has to be maintained without using noisy pumps. The mirrors cannot be baked to remove moisture, and have to be cleaned during assembly. "It is a logistical nightmare," says Sendhil Raja, a laser scientist at the Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology in Indore, who is part of the Ligo India team.
Attractive project
The engineering and assembly of the equipment have to be done by Indian industry, which is a reason why the project looked attractive to bureaucrats and politicians in the country. Scientists think that this experience can lift industry capabilities in precision engineering in several areas, and especially in optical engineering. Good instrumentation had a lot to do with the only science Nobel Prize India has received so far, but Indian capability in instrumentation has declined after independence.
Buried in the Ligo observatory would be several technologies that will be useful to industry. Several years from now, some of them could have the capabilities to build NextGen particle accelerators for medicine and science, or high-precision lasers for measurement and medical optics. It is hard to figure out where scientific instrumentation will take technology. So far, GPS has been the big spin-off from Einstein's theory of gravity. A few such applications may be waiting in the new era of gravitational physics.
Ligo India gets the world's attention
It is not often that an Indian project is greeted with joy all over the world. But it is precisely what happened last week, when the Indian Union Cabinet cleared the proposal to build an Advanced Laser Interferometer Graviational Wave Observatory (Advanced Ligo) in India. It was sweet music to all gravitational physicists around the world. India announced the decision in the evening, and by next morning Ligo had tweeted: "Ligo India is a go. What a great week for gravitational waves."
This tweet was immediately retweeted by many people around the world, including some prominent physicists. The American Astronomical Society sent out a press release, written by Caltech, with comments from many prominent scientists associated with the gravitational wave discovery.
"With Ligo-India added to the network, we will not only detect more sources, we will dramatically increase the number of sources that can be pinpointed so that they can be studied using other types of telescopes," said Ligo chief scientist Stanely Whitcomb.
For the last few years, the Ligo community had been waiting for the Indian government to clear the proposal. In fact, all the components have been supposedly packed and waiting for the Indian clearance to be dispatched to India. "The international community is thrilled that Ligo India has happened although it is delayed," says Bala Iyer, visiting professor at the International Centre for Theoretical Sciences in Bangalore.
The reason for this enthusiasm is clear. The accuracy of observation increases when Ligo India comes up. "We are strategically situated," says Sanjeev Dhurandhar, emeritus professor at the Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics at Pune.
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