China Joins Russia in Syria War? “Enhanced Military Aid” against US Sponsored Terrorists?
If Syria goes, Iran is next, a war if initiated by Washington far more potentially consequential and devastating.
Iran’s population alone makes it an important regional country – four times the size of Syria at around 80 million. Imagine the possible war-related death, injury and displacement toll.
Transforming the Islamic Republic into a US vassal state would give America and Israel unchallenged Middle East dominance.
Russian and Chinese regional influence would wane or be eliminated. The loss of Syrian and Iranian sovereignty would greatly aid the scourge of US imperialism worldwide – Moscow and Beijing the key independent powers standing in the way of its global dominance.
Nuclear war would be more likely with the aim of letting America colonize planet earth unopposed if triumphant, provided nuclear devastation and radiation poisoning didn’t kill us all – why nuclear confrontation is so crucial to prevent. The potential consequences should terrify everyone.
Vladimir Putin is committed to defeating the scourge of US-supported terrorism in Syria, mainly concerned about preventing its spread to Russia’s heartland – at the same time wanting the Syrian Arab Republic’s sovereignty and territorial integrity preserved.
During an August 15 meeting with his German counterpart, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said “(w)e believe that it is still necessary not to allow international terrorist entities to prevail here, and to ensure the beginning of genuine and true negotiations between all Syrian sides.”
It’s alarming that many so-called (US-supported) moderate (sic) (anti-government combatants) more often coordinate their actions with” Security Council-designated terrorist groups.
China intends offering Syria humanitarian aid and enhanced military help. On Tuesday, People’s Liberation Army Admiral/high-ranking Defense Ministry official Guan Youfei met with Syrian Defense Minister Fahad Jasssim al-Freij and an unnamed Russian general in Damascus.
Following their meeting, he issued a statement, saying “(t)he Chinese and Syrian militaries traditionally have a friendly relationship, and the Chinese military is willing to keep strengthening exchanges and cooperation with the Syrian military.
How far Beijing intends going militarily remains to be seen. It has its own terrorist problem. It’s threatened by US regional provocations, notably in the South China Sea.
Its government reportedly sent dozens of military advisors to Syria last year to aid in the fight against terrorism, stopping short of committing warplanes and/or ground forces.
Does Guan’s Tuesday visit signify Beijing intending more direct military involvement than already? Will greater East/West confrontation follow?
Flashpoint conditions in Syria could become more serious than currently. Neocon Hillary Clinton likely succeeding Obama next year could threaten world peace and stability by escalating conflict into something more dangerous than now.
A lot depends on the Syrian, Russian, Iranian, Chinese alliance against the scourge of US imperialism – maybe humanity’s fate.
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