Satellite images show China has built aircraft hangars in South China Sea

The latest satellite images of the disputed South China Sea show China has build reinforced aircraft hangars on three specific islands.
According to a report by the Center for Strategic and International Studies, the existence of the hangars in the South China Sea on Fiery Cross, Subi and Mischief Reefs in the Spratly Islands show the country could be preparing for a military deployment. The hangars could fit Chinese fighter jets, CSIS said.
"Except for a brief visit by a military transport plane to Fiery Cross Reef earlier this year, there is no evidence that Beijing has deployed military aircraft to these outposts. But the rapid construction of reinforced hangars at all three features indicates that this is likely to change. Each of the three islets will soon have hangar space for 24 fighter-jets plus 3-4 larger planes," CSIS said in its report.
The satellite images were taken in late July after the Hague Court ruled that China's maritime claims in the South China Sea are illegal.
The United States has also urged China and other countries not to militarize their holdings in the South Island Sea. In September, Chinese President Xi Jinxing assured President Obama that the country had no plans to "pursue militarization" in the Spratly islands.
"China has indisputable sovereignty over the Spratly islands and nearby waters," China's Defence Ministry said in a statement about the hangars to Reuters. "China has said many times, construction on the Spratly islands and reefs is multipurpose, mixed, and with the exception of necessary military defensive requirements, are more for serving all forms of civil needs."
According to CISIS, all hangars show signs of structural strengthening.
State media also reported that China sent bombers and fighter jets on combat patrols near the South China Sea islands on Saturday.
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